The Impact of Nature in Healthcare Environments

A large body of evidence attests to the fact that the physical environment impacts patient stress, staff effectiveness, and quality of care provided in hospitals and other healthcare settings. The calming power of a soft surface, a clean resilient floor, nature based patterns, tempered acoustics, or the soothing interplay of light and shadow are all essential elements we consider when designing our products. Selecting the right flooring enhances spaces that are calming, supportive, and beautiful for patients. These spaces reduce anxiety and set a positive tone for short- or long-term stays. Relying on evidence-based design, especially integrating natural elements in the built environment, creates an opportunity to improve the patient experience.
Because humans inherently have an affinity towards the natural world, many certification programs that focus on buildings and the occupants who inhabit them recognize that exposure to nature and nature-based motifs indoors can improve our moods and productivity, which directly relates to healing and the quality of care. Flooring is one tool that architects and designers can use to forge a deeper connection with the natural environment. WELL, LEED HC, and FGI Guidelines all recognize that these design strategies have positive impacts on the way we heal and rest.

We continually seek to advance our understanding of all that contributes to healing.
As an affiliate plus member of The Center for Health Design, we support the center’s mission further the application of these principles through Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification.
May 28, 2020