FLEXspace (Flexible Learning Environment eXchange) was conceived on the notion that a space on one campus may be exactly what another campus needs to create. As the learning landscape has shifted to adapt more active learning spaces, and to explore the entire campus as a learning landscape, FLEXspace has enabled educators and learning space planners to offer students a virtual field trip; the chance to share ideas and experience other learning spaces with a limited travel budget may hinder.

FLEXspace is your one-stop shop for best practices, detailed examples, and a community dedicated to improving learning spaces around the world. Through the FLEXspace database, planners can explore exactly what went into a learning space at Lackawanna College, learn from what worked well and what may not have from the planners themselves, and embrace those concepts at the University of Sydney, without ever leaving the comfort of their office or sofa. Through learning from each other, we will be able to build on each other's ideas and truly move the learning landscape forward.

FLEXspace is the only open resource (no fee for academic members) that brings together practitioners, experts and decision makers in higher education, K-12, libraries, and museums who are focused on campus planning and facilities, learning technology, A/V systems integration, instructional design, teaching, and research.
Shaw Contract is proud to sponsor the FLEXspace community, made up of educators and campus planners, to support the access to information, imagery, and human connection that will lay the foundation for dynamic learning environments now and well into the future.
To create an account and explore the robust image database, visit
April 03, 2020