Season 2 of the Once Upon a Project podcast, proudly brought to you by Shaw Contract, explores the narratives of creating the spaces we inhabit with the designers who dreamed them up. Join in each month as host AJ Paron, EVP and Design Futurist of SANDOW Design Group, uncovers the intricacies of turning interior design visions into reality.

This season’s premiere episode features the Hip Hop Architect, Michael Ford. Hear how the elements of hip-hop create inspiration and how his philosophy comes to life in product design with the award-winning carpet collection, Mike Ford x Shaw Contract.

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Designers everywhere are finding new ways to bring people back to the office while keeping productivity high. In this episode, dive into two groundbreaking projects that redefined creativity and pushed the boundaries of practicality and thoughtful design.

Tune in each month for the latest episodes of Once Upon a Project, available now on Apple Podcast and Spotify.